Bid Manager

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A Guide to Bid Management

Every day tenders and competitive opportunities are being run through the Delta eSourcing service. Used by over 300 organisations representing over 6,000 buyers, the Delta Bid Manager ensures that suppliers can quickly and easily create and submit bids for all values of contracts including Request for Information (RFI) and Quick Quotes.

Suppliers bids can be quickly and easily created. Bid Manager auto-populates data from the Supplier Profile to answer any like for like questions. This saves in both time and effort providing a simple centralised store of standard qualification and tender information which can then if required be further enhanced for each opportunity.

Who Is Bid Manager For?

Bid Manager allows Suppliers to track their SQ and tender responses (bids) as well as view any invitations from buyers submitted through the Delta eSourcing service to provide a quote or participate in a tender exercise. The Bid Manager displays key details regarding the opportunity including the buying organisation and the crucial deadline dates.
All submissions are denoted in the activity log which provides the supplier and the buyer with a
comprehensive and robust audit trail.

Our Bid Management System:

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