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Tender Management or eTendering systems are essentially filing mechanisms that allow buyers and suppliers to review and revise the bid documentation, along with any questions and answers that have been submitted in relation to the bid.

Tender Management

The public sector marketplace is becoming more and more competitive which means that more projects and services are being put out to tender than ever before. The more tenders your organisation posts.

Supplier Management

Delta eSourcing’s Supplier management software can help your organisation identify, invite and manage suppliers more efficiently. Supplier relationship management entails strategically managing all interactions with suppliers to maximise the value of those interactions. In essence, it means creating closer, more collaborative relationships to realise value.

Supplier relationship management software will discipline your organisation’s processes and help your employees to strategically plan and manage interactions with suppliers.

Delta’s supplier management software allows our customers to access the information they really need when they want it.

Contract Register

Contract Register allows you to manage all your contract awards and provides a central repository facilitating the recording, promotion and monitoring of all your organisation’s contracts and agreements.

It allows you to view your Contract Records, search records listed and export details to host your buyer portal. You can display your Contract Records in various ways and filter your search by start date, end date, status and reference.

Contract Change Control

The Contract Change Control module allows value tracking of all contracts within your organisation’s Contract Register. This will help buyers to comply with PCR 2015 ‘Life-Cycle Costing’, by giving them full control over the cost and time implications for their contracts.

The Contract Change Control module can be directly linked to the Contract Register, allowing the creation and management of any amendments or variations to contracts.

The tool allows the recording of any changes to the contract, focusing particularly on cost, but also on any changes to completion dates for the contract. This allows for the management of the whole life cost/timescale of the project.

Contract Performance

The Contract Performance module allows buyers to track their contracts, score suppliers against KPIs and review contracts at set intervals.

The Contract Performance module is an integrated module of Contract Manager which can directly link to Contract Records in the Contract Register module.

Contract Performance allows the user to create, manage/monitor and record a tailored performance monitoring plan for each contract and each supplier/contractor.

The user can execute a clear and measurable Contract Performance programme for each active contract using an easy to understand Key Performance Indicator (KPI) builder and an associated plan/reminder/review methodology.

  • Supporting documents can be attached to KPIs.
  • Contract Performance includes full export functionality.

Dynamic Purchasing System

Delta eSourcing’s DPS is completely electronic. The module allows buyers to procure goods, works or services commonly available on the market quickly and efficiently from a refreshable pool of suppliers.

Our tools are EU compliant. We offer our customers a full eSourcing web-based service, and as we are committed to helping the public sector make efficient savings, you can create a package that fits the needs of your organisation.

Workspace Manager

Workspace Manager is a module which allows you to bring all of your projects and collaborations together, allowing for an easily managed solution to any collaborative procurement process.

Workspace Manager can play an important role at the very early stages of the commissioning process. It provides a platform for bringing stakeholders together prior to commencing a collaborative procurement and provides the tools that can facilitate more effective commissioning. Common strategic objectives can be identified; experience and best practice can be shared; and documentation can be made more consistent.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed, industry-supported initiative to provide organisations within and supplying to the public sector with a way of proving that they have a basic level of cyber security controls in place.

Certification helps organisations to prove that they have understood the basic principles of cyber security and show they have taken basic precautions against cyber attacks. It also gives the public sector sight of how seriously organisations looking to work with them take cyber security.

Download the Cyber Essentials scheme summary to find out more.

Delta eSourcing: Education Sector

Since all communication around procurement must be electronic by October 2018, now is the time for the education sector to try Delta eSourcing.