Supplier Solutions

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Delta Supplier Solutions - At a Glance

Delta eSourcing is a web-based service that provides suppliers the ability to respond to public sector contracts and opportunities from hundreds of public sector bodies, representing thousands of individual buyers.

Profile Management

View, edit and publish your organisation’s Select Supplier Profile. Buyers search SID for profiles and invite suppliers to join their supplier lists, participate in a tender exercise or request for quotation or contact suppliers as part of any...

Opportunity Finder

An unrivalled database of public and private sector contract opportunities and market intelligence, all customised to meet the unique requirements of your business.

Select Accredit (Certification)

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Bid Manager

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Want To Open Up Your Supply Chain?

Delta eSourcing is not just for public sector clients – if you are looking to run your tenders and/or manage your supply chain then you can utilise the service too. Our range of services can improve your tender activity and assist with opening up your supply chain to help you deliver significant economic and social benefits to both local and the wider community,

To find out more about how you can use the Delta eTendering solution or have your own bespoke portal with your company branding then please contact us to discuss your requirements.