A Guide To Tender Management

What Is Tender Management?

If you are unsure of what tender management software can do, it ensures an effective and efficient process for public sector buyers to source products or services through the procurement process. Buyers use tender management systems at every stage of the tendering process. Such systems allow secure document creation, exchange and storage, as well as creating a full communications audit trail.

The public sector marketplace is becoming more and more competitive which means that more projects and services are being put out to tender than ever before. The more tenders your organisation posts, the harder it becomes to manage them all efficiently and compliantly – which is why many public sector organisations use tender management systems.

Why Does Your Organisation
Need A Tender Management System?

Tender management teams are constantly dealing with paperwork and the process can be extremely time consuming. Due to the intensity of this workload, mistakes are often made when tender management is completed manually.

As mentioned previously, the growing volumes of tenders to be managed by public sector buyers means that many organisations have moved to tender management software in recent years.

Tender management software allows teams to store and share key information with one another throughout the procurement process, while the software also has reporting capabilities. Delta eSourcing customers have access to many tools that can help them optimise their tender management.

Our Tender
Management System

Delta eSourcing’s Tender Management module is a web-based service that allows buyers and suppliers to engage with each other to achieve greater efficiency in all aspects of the tender process. Tender Manager is an easy to use, EU-compliant tender management tool which provides a secure, competitive tendering process from creation of notice to award of contract. This covers notice creation, EOIs, RFIs, SQs, secure exchange of ITT documents and evaluation.

The Tender Management module can be used in conjunction with the Workspace Manager module to provide dynamic cross-department or cross-organisation collaborative workspaces. These allow you to run one-off tender exercises or repetitive procurements, as well as being useful for housing longer-term joint ventures.

Our Tender Management System Includes

The Delta Contract Manager Software provides a simple and intuitive
solution to managing your contract lifecycle in a centralised solution accessible for your organisation.

Compliant eNotice Tool

Facility to create, manage and stream both above and
below EU threshold contract notices, RFQs and RFIs.

Evaluation Tool

Create and publish an opportunity

Include notification of intent to use an eAuction/reverse auction in the contract notice when posting to a portal or OJEU

Document Exchange

Create and publish an opportunity

Include notification of intent to use an eAuction/reverse auction in the contract notice when posting to a portal or OJEU

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Case Studies


“The Supply4NWFire portal and the underlying solution, Delta eSourcing, are now embedded into our procurement processes. We are engaging better with the marketplace, building our supplier community and receiving better responses to our low-value requirements.”