A Guide to Contract Management

What is contract management?

The Delta Contract Manager solution allows you to manage all your contract awards and provides a central repository facilitating the recording, promotion and monitoring of all your organisation’s contracts and agreements.

It allows you to view your Contract Records, search records listed and export details to host your buyer portal. You can display your Contract Records in various ways and filter your search by start date, end date, status and reference.

Who Is Contract Management
Software For?

Our contract management software will support buyers through every aspect of contract management post award, enabling you to monitor supplier performance, undertake value tracking, create contract variations and know when you need to plan to retender –
and much more!

Delta eSourcing has a range of contract management software solutions that will help to manage multitudes of contracts that can be both time consuming and difficult for a busy procurement team.
Learn more below…

Our Contract Management System

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Our Contract Management System Includes

The Delta Contract Manager Software provides a simple and intuitive solution to managing your contract lifecycle in a centralised solution accessible for your organisation.

A Contract Record can be linked to (and pre-populated from) an Award Notice or created manually Upload Contract Information:

Manage Re-Tendering

Include notification of intent to use an eAuction/reverse auction in the contract notice when posting to a portal or OJEU

Change Control

Include notification of intent to use an eAuction/reverse auction in the contract notice when posting to a portal or OJEU

Contract Performance

Include notification of intent to use an eAuction/reverse auction in the contract notice when posting to a portal or OJEU

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